Digital Tools and Videos

Students Teach Themselves to Become Excellent Readers

Digital Tools and Videos

Students Teach Themselves to Become Excellent Readers

How Is Reading Solutions Different Than Other Programs?

Get instant access to more than 400 hours of instructional activities and more than 1200 full motion videos that will have your students learning how to read in no time!

Check out our worksheets.

Our program also focuses on creating a space where students have fun, learn reading and literacy materials.

Preschool To Kindergarten

Reading Solutions offers an extensive library of material for children that are in preschool and kindergarten. More than 100 years of scientific reading research and reading studies, including brain imaging studies, have conclusively proven that learning to read proficiently requires learning the 26 letters of the alphabet, the 44 sounds those letters represent and the 70 common ways to spell them.


 All children can be taught to read proficiently. That includes the 85 percent of students who are currently being placed in “Special Education” because they have not been taught to read. Every parent who sends their child off to schools in September of each year fully expects that little Johnny or Susie will be reading by the end of the year. Too often that expectation and hope is dashed when frustration and confusion result. That need not be the case.”

13+ To Adults

Learning English as a teenager or adult can be challenging for a number of reasons. Adults may have less time to devote to learning, they may be less motivated, and they may have to overcome the challenges of learning a new alphabet and grammar system. Reading Solutions Inc.’s program Literacy Reading Voyages can help adults improve their English by providing them with a structured and supportive learning environment.

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